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The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

Shizah Kashif, Executive Editor for Race, Privilege, and Identity

Shizah Kashif ’24 is a prospective political science major and global studies concentrator from Dubai, UAE, and, before that, Islamabad, Pakistan. She is an Executive Editor for Race, Privilege, and Identity, and formerly served as a section editor for arts.

Email: [email protected]


All content by Shizah Kashif
Chaplains shared reflections on the events of the past week at the vigil.

Chaplains’ Office holds vigil for violence in Israel, Gaza

Lindsay Wang and Shizah Kashif October 18, 2023
The Chaplains’ Office held a vigil on Monday night on the steps of Chapin Hall to reflect on continuing violence in Israel and Gaza.
The College is slated to move all TAPSI communities to Mark Hopkins House for the next academic year. 
(Theo Duarte-Baird/The Williams Record)

Students express frustration with plans to move all TAPSI communities to Mark Hopkins next year

Shizah Kashif September 27, 2023

Next year, the College plans to place all Theme/Affinity/Program/Special Interest (TAPSI) communities in one building. For the 2024-2025 academic year, Mark Hopkins has been proposed as the designated...

Students crowded into a Griffin classroom to see the Feb. 18 fishbowl discussion between Topjor Tsultrim ’22 and Micaela Foreman ’23. (Shizah Kashif/The Williams Record)

Student fishbowl discussion dives into the CCP’s activities, Jan. 4 incident

Shizah Kashif March 9, 2022
In a fishbowl discussion on Feb. 18, Topjor Tsultrim ’22 — one of the co-founders of the College’s Milk Tea Alliance — and Micaela Foreman ’23 engaged in a facilitated dialogue on the activities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and restorative justice in the aftermath of the bias incident on the Milk Tea Alliance’s Jan. 4 tabling day.
On Jan. 4, Topjor Tsultrim was tabling for The Milk Tea Alliance in Paresky Center, until he returned from dinner to find his Tibetan flag on the floor, and two falcon bookends, missing.

Milk Tea Alliance, students, administrators navigate the aftermath of the Jan. 4 tabling incident

Shizah Kashif and Lindsay Wang February 9, 2022
On Jan. 4, Topjor Tsultrim ’22 returned from a dinner break to the table he had set up at Paresky to speak to passing students about the Milk Tea Alliance to find his Tibetan flag lying on the floor. The two bookends shaped like eagles — a gift from his father — that had been anchoring the flag to the table were missing.
Shizah Kashif/The Williams Record

One in Two Thousand: Maddy Andersen ’25

Shizah Kashif November 3, 2021
This week, the computer (using a script in R) chose Maddy Andersen ’25, who talked about the crew team, friendship bracelets, and Halloween near-debacles.
Kelsie Hao ’22 (third from right) joined the Accidentals for her final year at the College. (Photo courtesy of Kelsie Hao.)

An unconventional return: froshomores, super seniors, and gap year students

Shizah Kashif and Lindsay Wang October 27, 2021
Many students who followed unconventional paths during the 2020-2021 academic year have returned to campus for in-person classes. The Record spoke with seven of these students, whose stories are full of excitement, reflection, and a sense of belonging to a Williams community.
Caption: Despite its flaws, [ITAL]Shang-Chi is an immensely entertaining and rich — even monumental — superhero film. (Photo courtesy of

Review: Shang-Chi offers a new, thrilling type of superhero

Shizah Kashif and Lindsay Wang October 20, 2021
Despite its flaws, Shang-Chi is an immensely entertaining, rich, and monumental superhero film.
Students collect their art in-person at WCMA on pick-up day. (Shizah Kashif/The Williams Record)

WALLS returns after COVID hiatus; students express mixed feelings

Shizah Kashif September 22, 2021
Williams Art Loan for Living Spaces (WALLS), returned on Sept. 14 after a year-long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While many celebrated its return, an unprecedented high number of signups this year and consequent technical glitches led others to express disappointment with both the new allocation process and the long-awaited return of the program. 
Ritmo members perform their fall showcase, "Stories of Separation", in front of Sawyer.

Dance groups release virtual shows, recruit first-years

Shizah Kashif March 10, 2021
During a typical semester, dance groups would take to the stage in Chapin to perform their fall shows to live audiences. With COVID restrictions limiting the size of large gatherings, they have turned instead to recording their fall performances remotely, appearing in a series of virtual shows released between the end of fall semester and now.
Songs, movies, and more that made quarantine go quicker

Songs, movies, and more that made quarantine go quicker

Shizah Kashif, Tali Natter, and Cameron Pugh February 10, 2021
With our unusually long winter break and upcoming in-room quarantine, the Record compiled art recommendations from students at the College via Instagram. For those students studying remotely this semester or taking time off, we hope that these recommendations help you stay connected to the College community, no matter where you are. From cartoons to crafts and everything in between, we hope you enjoy!
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