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The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

Charlotte Staudenmayer, Town News Editor

Charlotte Staudenmayer ’25 is a prospective English and environmental studies major from Amherst, Mass. She was previously a section editor for the news section focused on news from Williamstown and the Berkshires and a staff writer.

Email: [email protected]

All content by Charlotte Staudenmayer
Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a climate activist, holds a lecture on the Green New Deal.

Alumni Relations, Alumni Fund merge into Office of Alumni Engagement

Julia Goldberg and Charlotte Staudenmayer April 20, 2022
The Alumni Relations and Alumni Fund offices merged into one Office of Alumni Engagement, Vice President of the Office of College Relations (OCR) Megan Morey announced in an email to the OCR on April 6, stating that the change would be effective immediately.
The Healthy Minds Survey was recently sent to students at the College as part of a partnership with the University of Michigan. (Angela Gui/The Williams Record.)

College administers mental health survey for well-being initiative

Charlotte Staudenmayer and Hannah Adams March 16, 2022
Director of Integrative Wellbeing Services (IWS) Wendy Adam invited students to participate in the Healthy Minds Study in a March 1 all-campus email. Healthy Minds is a  survey about student mental health that was initially launched from the University of Michigan in 2007. Since then, it has been administered at 400 colleges and universities nationally and garnered over 550,000 respondents.
(Gabe Miller/The Williams Record)

Town Planning Board makes strides toward inclusionary zoning policy

Charlotte Staudenmayer March 9, 2022
At its Feb. 17 meeting, the Williamstown Planning Board finalized a list of zoning bylaw amendments addressing exclusionary zoning that will be the topic of a public hearing on Tuesday, March 22.
Craig Stevens Wilder delivered the evening keynote on Claiming Williams Day. (Photo courtesy of M.I.T..)

Craig Steven Wilder urges College to investigate its institutional history in Claiming Williams evening keynote address

Charlotte Staudenmayer February 9, 2022
Craig Steven Wilder, author of this year’s Williams Reads book, Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities, delivered Claiming Williams Day’s evening keynote in a Zoom webinar on Feb. 2.
Rhiana Gunn-Wright, a climate activist, holds a lecture on the Green New Deal.

President of Stockbridge-Munsee Community Shannon Holsey delivers Claiming Williams morning keynote on history of the Mohican Nation

Charlotte Staudenmayer February 9, 2022
President of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians Shannon Holsey presented the morning keynote on Claiming Williams Day, delivering a presentation on the history of the Stockbridge-Munsee community and the tribe’s forced removal from Berkshire County.
Williams Reads investigates institutional histories

Williams Reads investigates institutional histories

Charlotte Staudenmayer January 26, 2022
Copies of Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America’s Universities by Craig Steven Wilder — professor at MIT and former professor of history at Williams — are available for pickup at Sawyer and Schow Libraries for students, faculty, and staff to participate in Williams Reads 2022.
Family Day held in person

Family Day held in person

Charlotte Staudenmayer October 27, 2021
After a virtual version in fall 2020, the annual tradition of Family Days resumed in person on Saturday — this time as Family Day, singular.
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