Monday 2-25-19
11:38 a.m. Dodd House: Officers responded to Dodd House for a report of a loud noise from the exterior east side of the house. Due to the strong winds, a large portion of one of the chimneys had broken off and damaged a portion of the roof. Multiple safety and environmental compliance, as well as facilities, staff were contacted to assess and secure the damage and determine safety issues concerning building occupancy. The office of student life was advised, and two students had to be relocated temporarily from their rooms.
12:45 p.m. Mission Park Drive: The wind uprooted a giant pine tree, which fell near Williams Hall, blocking Mission Park Drive. There were no injuries and no damage to vehicles or any property other than a metal trash container.
3:45 p.m. Sawyer Library: Officers responded to the fourth floor of Sawyer Library to check on a student possibly needing medical assistance. Upon arrival, the officers called 911. EMS transported the student to Berkshire Medical North, then to Berkshire Medical Center Pittsfield.
4:40 p.m. Weston Field: While patrolling campus an officer noted that the portable visiting team bleachers at Weston Field had been toppled by the high winds. The south bleacher was also blown over.
6:04 p.m. Tennis Courts: Williamstown Police Department (WPD) notified Campus Safety and Security (CSS) that it was looking to contact an individual in crisis who was last seen around the tennis courts on Stetson Road.
6:30 p.m. Agard House: A caller reported a power outage at Agard House and Fort Hoosac. CSS contacted National Grid, but due to the high winds and numerous power issues, the company could not give a time estimate for when the power would be restored.
Tuesday 2-26-19
12:35 a.m. Doughty House: Officers responded to Doughty House for a report of a big piece of metal blowing off the roof. They found a large chimney cap lying in the driveway near the south door. They secured the chimney cap, and submitted a work order for replacement and repair.
3:59 a.m. Facilities Parking Lot: An officer observed several damaged vehicles in the facilities fleet parking lot damaged by materials and debris from the roof of the facilities building blown off by high winds.
Thursday 2-28-19
11:03 p.m. ’82 Grill: Dining staff reported a student with alcohol in the ’82 Grill.
11:38 p.m. Doughty House: Steam was coming out of the ground due to a water main break. Officers found water bubbling out of the ground and flooding the end of the driveway. Multiple staff members of facilities were contacted for emergency response.
Sunday 3-3-19
12:10 a.m. Perry House: Officer reported a discharged fire extinguisher. They contacted a custodian for hazardous material clean-up. A campus officer responded to remove and replace the discharged fire extinguisher with a new one.
11:40 a.m. Paresky: A person collapsed on the floor. A caller notified 911, and WPD called CSS to report the emergency. EMS evaluated the student but did not transport them to the emergency room.
1:59 p.m. A CSS dispatcher heard that Northern Berkshire EMS was dispatched to the Williams College Health Center for a student with a rapid heartbeat. Officers were dispatched to assist. EMS transported the student to Berkshire Medical Center North.