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The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

Katie Jung, Executive Editor for Opinions

Katie Jung ’24 is a philosophy and Spanish major from Claremont, Calif. She is executive editor for opinions. She previously served as section editor for opinions. Email: [email protected]

All content by Katie Jung
De Leon on emoji semantics

De Leon on emoji semantics

Katie Jung April 27, 2022
Christian De Leon, a PhD candidate at UCLA recently hired by the philosophy department for a two-year faculty position starting next fall, presented “Faces, Emotions, and Values: Prospects for a Formal Semantics of Emoji” on Monday.
Review: Drive My Car explores what it means to be in the driver's seat of life

Review: Drive My Car explores what it means to be in the driver’s seat of life

Katie Jung and Katya Ulyanov January 26, 2022
In the 2021 film Drive My Car, Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi drives viewers through the emotional journeys of two unlikely friends, artfully bringing to life Haruki Murakami’s short story of the same name.
The Berkshire Symphony Orchestra performed in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic. (Katie Jung/The Williams Record)

Berkshire Symphony Orchestra returns to Chapin Hall after COVID hiatus

Katie Jung October 6, 2021
The Berkshire Symphony Orchestra performed live for the first time in 18 months on the night of Oct. 1. The musicians, all masked, walked onto stage and were met with a packed audience.
Students gather in front of Paresky with a little more than a week to go before the start of classes. (Cameron Pugh/The Williams Record.)

College prepares for in-person semester amid Delta variant concerns

As students begin to return, College reintroduces weekly testing; four students test positive
Sofie Jones, Katie Jung, and Kiara Royer September 3, 2021
Many students had hoped that this fall, with the campus largely vaccinated, would finally be free from COVID restrictions. But the prevalence of the Delta variant has led the College to reimplement an indoor mask mandate and a weekly testing requirement. And if the campus sees an outbreak, the College could implement more stringent restrictions, according to administrators.
Nelly Lin-Schweitzer ’21 (left) and Caleigh Paster ’21 (right) reflect on their senior year. (Katie Jung/The Williams Record)

Two in Two Thousand: Nelly Lin-Schweitzer ’21 and Caleigh Paster ’21

Katie Jung May 19, 2021
This week, the computer (using a script in R) chose Nelly Lin-Schweitzer ’21 and Caleigh Paster ’21, who talked about their experiences as seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic, their academic interests over the years, and their thoughts about leaving campus.
Sweet Brook Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in April 2019, before its closure. (Photo courtesy of Gillian Jones/The Berkshire Eagle.)

State reaches settlement with Williamstown nursing home over allegations of resident mistreatment

Fiona Seibert, Sonia Prasad, and Katie Jung May 5, 2021
The owners of the now-closed Sweet Brook Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Williamstown reached a settlement last month of $110,000 with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts after repeated allegations of failure to care for residents.
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