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The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers ’27 is a prospective English and history major from Brooklyn, NY. She is the executive editor for news. Previously she served as Town news editor and as a staff writer for the features section.

Email: [email protected]

All content by Sonia Zinkin-Meyers
Iris Li/The Williams Record

College removes TAPSI website out of ‘abundance of caution’

Phoebe Pallesen and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers March 12, 2025
A page on the College’s website that outlined the Theme/Affinity/Program/Special Interest (TAPSI) housing program was taken down during the week of Feb. 14. Dean of the College Gretchen Long said that the College is not planning any changes to the program, but that senior staff decided to take down the page following the Department of Education’s Feb. 14 Dear Colleague letter.
Iris Li/The Williams Record

Dept. of Education order to end race-based programming takes effect, College’s response remains unclear

Lena Kerest and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers March 5, 2025
The Department of Education's deadline to dismantle race-based programming passed on Feb. 28, but College administrators declined to specify how the College might change campus programming in response.
NISA restructures, calls for increased support for Native students

NISA restructures, calls for increased support for Native students

Rebecca Bao and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers March 5, 2025
The Native American Indigenous Student Alliance (NISA) has restructured and is planning to increase its advocacy efforts on campus. Principal goals of the organization include the establishment of an Indigenous studies department and scholarships to increase Native student enrollment.
Noor Naseer/The Williams Record

Select Board advances proposals on short-term rentals, geothermal wells

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers and Christopher Hughes February 26, 2025
Two warrant articles drafted by the Planning Board will be voted on at Town Meeting on May 22, after the Williamstown Select Board voted to add them to the Town Meeting warrant on Monday. One measure aims to regulate short-term rentals in the Town, while the other would regulate the installation of geothermal heating wells.
Iris Li / The Williams Record

Elizabeth Rogers hired to serve as new director of PEACe Office

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers February 26, 2025
Elizabeth Rogers has begun serving as director of the Prevention, Education, and Advocacy in Community Office, according to a Daily Message published last Friday.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

In Other Ivory Towers: Bowdoin students face disciplinary action following encampment in support of Palestine

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers February 26, 2025
Over 50 students at Bowdoin face disciplinary action for their involvement in an encampment that lasted from Feb. 6 to Feb. 10, according to the Bowdoin Orient. Eight of those students were suspended — their suspensions were lifted on Monday and they were allowed to return to campus.
Iris Li / The Williams Record

Mandel, senior staff respond to Trump administration policy changes, ‘assault’ on higher education

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers February 19, 2025
President Maud S. Mandel announced the establishment of a series of working groups led by senior administrators and discussed the College’s lobbying and advocacy efforts in her opening remarks at the Feb. 12 faculty meeting. Mandel announced the plans in response to what she described as the threats posed to higher education by President Donald Trump’s administration. 
Max Billick / The Williams Record

College begins six-month transportation study

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers February 19, 2025
The College has begun a six-month transportation study to consider potential changes to campus parking facilities, roads, and infrastructure. The study will assess transportation practices and the College’s use of land, according to a notice released on Feb. 14 by the Office of Planning, Design, and Construction.
College grapples with disruptions to federal research grants

College grapples with disruptions to federal research grants

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers and Christopher Hughes February 12, 2025
Recent executive orders from President Donald Trump have called into question the security of federal funding for research, including grants from the National Science Foundation. Members of the administration told the Record that they are uncertain how the College would respond to future funding freezes, but remain committed to supporting faculty research.
Photo courtesy of Dan Kemp.

Community remembers Alex Kemp ’28

Max Billick and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers January 29, 2025
In interviews with the Record, family members, friends, teammates, and members of the community remember Alex Kemp '28 as a steadfast friend and a hard worker who excelled in his academic and athletic pursuits. Over the course of his first semester, they said, he took full advantage of the College’s academic and extracurricular opportunities while supporting and bringing joy to the people around him.
Francis Huang/The Williams Record

Currier Quad to replace Mission as first-year housing beginning fall 2025

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers December 17, 2024
The five upperclass dorms that comprise Currier Quad will house first-years and Mission will house upperclass students beginning in fall 2025.
Photo courtesy of Niku Darafshi.

Students support creation of Mt. Greylock Regional High School’s first BSU

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers December 4, 2024
Students and administrators at Mount Greylock Regional School District established a Black Student Union ­at the high school last month with support from students at the College.
Photo courtesy of Susan Lacy '89.

Susan Lacy ’89 reflects on role as plaintiff in Supreme Court case on gender-affirming care

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers December 4, 2024
In an interview with the Record, Lacy details her experience as a plaintiff in a gender-affirming care supreme court case.
Theo Duarte-Baird/The Williams Record

College installs first solar-powered EV charging stations

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers November 20, 2024
The College installed its first solar-powered electric vehicle charging station in the Hollander Hall parking lot earlier this month as part of its long-term efforts to decarbonize campus. The charger, which will become operational later this month, is reserved for faculty and staff use, though the College may install additional models for students. 
Theo Duarte-Baird/The Williams Record

Prescription pickup service to launch Nov. 18

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers November 13, 2024
Students at the College will be able to pick up prescription medications on campus starting on Nov. 18, filling the gap in service that will be created by tomorrow’s closure of the Williamstown Apothecary.
The Williams Record

No longer a ‘microcosm’: Students reflect on new entry sorting process

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers, Heewon Lee, and Vedika Nair November 6, 2024
First-years share their experiences living in entries with disproportionate demographics.
Sonia Zinkin-Meyers/The Williams Record

Town voters favor Harris, Warren

Lena Kerest and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers November 6, 2024
Voters in Williamstown overwhelming supported Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump.
Photo courtesy of Matt Neely.

Matt Neely to fill Williamstown Select Board vacancy

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers October 2, 2024
Matt Neely on his appointment to the Williamstown Select Board.
Joey Fox/The Williams Record

WSU announces election results, sees increase in voter turnout

Hugh Kane and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers September 25, 2024
The student body elected three members of each class to the Williams Student Union (WSU) and two members of the Class of 2028 to join the Honor and Discipline Committee on Sunday.
Akkshansh Bagga/The Williams Record

OCL faces staffing shortage, delays RSO registration

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers and Aliya Huprikar September 18, 2024
Staffing shortages at the Office of Campus Life (OCL), spurred by the departure of five staff members in the last year, have caused delays in the registration process for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), though other impacts on students have been minimal.
The annual Town meeting will be held tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Mount Greylock Regional School. (Photo courtesy of Niku Darafshi)

Voters to decide on taxes, cottage courts, charter amendments at Town Meeting

Max Billick and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers May 23, 2024
At tonight’s Town Meeting, to be held at Mount Greylock Regional School at 7 p.m., Williamstown voters will decide on 42 warrant articles, including a provision to allow the construction of cottage court developments that could densify the Town’s housing stock, changes to tax law aimed at lowering the tax burden for low-income residents and seniors, and the first major proposed amendments to the Town Charter since its adoption in 1956. 
Photo courtesy of Williams Alumni Review.

Community remembers Faith Ringgold, creator of iconic ‘story quilts’

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers April 24, 2024
Faith Ringgold, a renowned multimedia artist and author, died on April 12 at the age of 93. Ringgold was most famously known for her signature pictorial “story quilts” that often addressed issues of race, gender, class, and family. Ringgold’s quilt, “100 Years at Williams College 1889-1989” — which was commissioned for the 100th anniversary of the graduation of the College’s first known Black graduate, Gaius C. Bolin, Class of 1889 — will soon be installed at the newly-renovated Davis Center.
Julia Karp/The Williams Record

FAFSA overhaul delays College enrollment deadline

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers April 10, 2024
Admitted students to the Class of 2028 will have until May 15 to decide whether to enroll, the College announced on Feb. 10. The College postponed the deadline due to complications with the rollout of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2024-2025 academic year. The issues will not impact financial aid awards for current students.
Photo courtesy of MASS MoCA Union.

Majority of MASS MoCA workers strike for increased wages

Maya Prakash and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers March 13, 2024
Unionized employees at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) in North Adams, Mass. went on strike indefinitely beginning on March 6, following the museum’s refusal to meet demands for increased wages.
Academic  Ruth Simmons, writer Aaliyah Bilal deliver Claiming Williams Day keynote addresses

Academic Ruth Simmons, writer Aaliyah Bilal deliver Claiming Williams Day keynote addresses

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers and Haley Zimmerman February 7, 2024
Ruth Simmons, the first Black president of an Ivy League university, delivered the evening keynote address at Claiming Williams Day on Feb. 1. Earlier that day, Aaliyah Bilal, the author of Temple Folk presented the morning keynote address.
Noor Naseer/The Williams Record

Charter Review Committee proposes recall provision, other amendments

Max Billick and Sonia Zinkin-Meyers January 24, 2024
The Charter Review Committee (CRC) presented its proposed amendments to the Town Charter to the Select Board on Jan. 22. The Select Board is now drafting warrant articles based on the proposals, which voters can approve at the Town Meeting on May 21.
This weekend, students performed The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Frosh, Frosh Revue's annual comedy show. (Photo courtesy of Thomas Huckans.)

Behind the scenes of Frosh Revue

Sonia Zinkin-Meyers November 1, 2023
This weekend marked another performance of Frosh Revue, the annual sketch comedy show put on during Family Days. The show is intended to be a comedic commentary on the first-year experience at the College.
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