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The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

The Student-Run Newspaper of Williams College Since 1887

The Williams Record

Abby Fournier, Staff Columnist

Abby Fournier ’21 is a political science major from Natick, Mass. She is a staff columnist for the opinions section.

Email: [email protected]


All content by Abby Fournier
Final thoughts on accessibility, justice, and Palestine

Final thoughts on accessibility, justice, and Palestine

Abby Fournier May 19, 2021
In her final column, Abby Fournier ’21 reflects on fights against injustice, both at the College and in Palestine/Israel.
Accessibili-tea: Why you need to do the (in)Accessibility Scavenger Hunt

Accessibili-tea: Why you need to do the (in)Accessibility Scavenger Hunt

Abby Fournier April 28, 2021
Abby Fournier ’21 calls on the community to participate in the (in)Accessibility Scavenger Hunt to experience campus from the perspective of someone with a mobility disability.
Accessibili-tea: A day in the life with a mobility impairment

Accessibili-tea: A day in the life with a mobility impairment

Abby Fournier April 21, 2021
In the fourth piece for her column “Accessibili-tea,” Abby Fournier ’21 shares what a day in her life as a person with a mobility impairment at Williams looks like.
Accessibili-tea: A bittersweet victory at the testing site

Accessibili-tea: A bittersweet victory at the testing site

Abby Fournier April 14, 2021
In the third piece for her column “Accessibili-tea,” Abby Fournier ’21 calls out Williams senior staff who still do not acknowledge their fault in the testing center design and expresses why she no longer trusts the school, even OAE, to represent her best interests.
Accessibili-tea: Co-pays, ‘passing,’ and everything in between

Accessibili-tea: Co-pays, ‘passing,’ and everything in between

Abby Fournier April 7, 2021
In the second piece for her column “Accessibili-tea,” Abby Fournier ’21 describes how privilege affects access, resources, health care, and every other aspect of daily living, creating various experiences within the disabled community.
Accessibili-tea: ‘Everything will soon be back to normal’ and other terrifying promises

Accessibili-tea: ‘Everything will soon be back to normal’ and other terrifying promises

Abby Fournier March 31, 2021
In the first piece for her new column “Accessibili-tea,” Abby Fournier ’21 highlights how many of the academic and social accommodations given to able-bodied and neurotypical people to protect them from COVID-19 are accommodations the disabled and neurodivergent community has needed for years.
Williams has failed me: A consistent pattern of neglect & disregard

Williams has failed me: A consistent pattern of neglect & disregard

Abby Fournier March 3, 2021
Abby Fournier ’21 shares a letter addressed to President Mandel in which she criticizes the inaccessible and illegal aspects of the COVID-19 testing site and holds the College accountable for failing its students with disabilities.
Are you a Williams ableist?

Are you a Williams ableist?

Abby Fournier December 9, 2020

It was a typical Williams Monday, which for me meant driving to my COVID test after class before I grabbed lunch. I parked in a handicap space at the Class of 1937 House — not legally close enough...

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