Each week, the Record (using a script in R) randomly selects a student at the College for our One in Two Thousand feature, excluding current Record board members. This week, Wyatt Cotton ’27 discussed his nickname, his football game rituals, and his love for Tyler House. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Audrey Adam (AA): I heard your nickname is “Sarge.” Do you want to tell me a little bit about that?
Wyatt Cotton (WC): My nickname started freshman year during football camp. I think it was either Leslie Williams [’26] or Jack Murphy [’25] who started calling me that. Because my haircut normally is pretty short, they said I looked like I was in the military, and then someone just said, “Sarge.” Now it’s Sarge, the Sergeant, all sorts of variations.
AA: Did you make the first-years call you that?
WC: Honestly, they just picked it up. I feel like people don’t even know my real name anymore.
AA: Speaking of football, do you have any football pre-game traditions?
WC: Oh, yes, I have the same meal every time. It’s a Gatorade, normally a yellow Gatorade, and a family-sized pack of Skittles, like one of the ones you find at gas stations. I have a whole box in my room. So I just bring one to the game, and I eat those on the bus or in the locker room. I also wear the same stuff every game — the same shirt and everything. I’ve had the same shirt since high school. It’s gross.
AA: Do you have a favorite football tradition?
WC: The Walk. It’s the coolest one.
AA: Do you think you’re going to do it this year?
WC: Oh, definitely. It’s in three weeks, and we’re ready.
AA: I heard you are also very into the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). If you could fight one person in the UFC, who would it be, and do you think you would win?
WC: Zero percent chance I win. I might die. It would have to be one of the lighter guys, like the super light guys. I’ve got no shot.
AA: What would your strategy be?
WC: I would shoot a takedown instantly and then just try to lay on them and keep them on the ground the whole time. Hopefully they don’t choke me out and I don’t get my joints exploded.
AA: So, would you do it if given the chance?
WC: No, not in a professional setting. Maybe sparring would be kind of fun when I’m in full gear so I’m not getting completely mauled. But in a professional setting where this dude wants to beat me? For money? I don’t know if I can do that.
AA: What if you could fight someone not in the UFC? Who would you fight and would you win?
WC: Jack Barber [’27]. I’d win.
AA: What would your strategy be?
WC: Anything. I’ve got a lot of options open.
AA: Interesting. My last question is: What is the best dorm on campus?
WC: Oh, Tyler [House]. Why? Well, especially for football, it’s all of our guys there. When you walk outside and you’re having a bad day, you see someone you know, and it brings you up. It’s just a good time.
AA: That’s a hot take.
WC: It is a hot take. There are some unpopular aspects — like the distance — but it’s not that bad. Once you have your car, I feel that negates much of it. It’s really nice.