I think my friend confessed their love for me while we were drunk. Should I acknowledge it?
Well, do you feel the same? You, dear writer, have given me very little context, and because of that ambiguity, I’ll assume the confession itself was ambiguous. I’m supposing that if you felt the same way for them, you would have acted on it right then. However, it’s possible that you’re sheepish and undignified. If that’s the case — that’s fine, go kiss them now, end of advice; but I’m instead choosing to believe that you’re in the pickle of “they like me, I don’t like them,” I say: Let it pass. If you’re good friends, and they’ve liked you for some time, then part of your friendship is already based in this unrequited love dynamic. Briefly giving their feelings airtime under the influence of tequila and DJCJ shouldn’t have long term bearing on your friendship. In the light of day, you’re both prone to overthinking, overcomplicating, oversharing, over-everything-ing. If in the wake of this event, they’re not acting any differently, neither should you!
Final exam deadlines are closing in, and I just cannot get the work done. How will I ever pass my classes?
Been there. Unfortunately, it often comes down to a tough question, iIs it the work that’s the problem or you? Sometimes, when I find myself in a rut, of missing deadlines and skipping GLOW posts, it’s not actually because I have too much work, it’s because I haven’t left my room after 6:30 p.m. in eight days. Many people consider this a “depressive episode,” but at this 11th hour, you’re not getting an IWS appointment, so you’re going to have to find some ways to be held accountable. Some ideas: Make dinner plans every night, a sit-down dinner with a friend at Paresky can be motivated into an evening buddy-study session. When all else fails, look at a picture of your younger self. Since you ended up here at Williams, I just know that little you was a freak about doing homework. Do the assignment for that little freak.
I’ve been having a recurring dream where my ex tells me they don’t miss me at all, and they dumped me because they hated me all along. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
If I were Freudian, I’d be inclined to tell you something along the lines of, “this is because you want to sleep with your own mother.” Lucky for you, I’m not like that. Instead I offer this: With love, are you serious? Where is your dignity? Clearly, your subconscious is screaming, “MOVE ON!” It’s possible that in your daytimes, missing this ex feels warranted — but that’s an exhausting way to live. So, your brain is stepping in with this solidly upsetting narrative to help you stop longing. If the dream isn’t enough to get that across, I’ll contribute this (which you won’t like, but you need to hear): Your ex hasn’t thought about you once since the minute you two split. They threw out your love letters in the same trash can as a half-eaten ’82 Grill pizza. When they broke the news to their home-friends group chat, they responded with “about time!” and roasted your haircut. Don’t you feel embarrassed to miss them now? You’re welcome!