My horrible ex happens to work at Goodrich Coffee Bar. How do I exploit this to my advantage and ruin his day?
You might think that, because your ex has to serve you, you are in a unique position to assert your dominance. Although it is gratifying to task someone you dislike with making your breakfast, the ground rules for revenge are no different at Goodrich than anywhere else: If you consistently and deliberately go out of your way to visit during their shifts, then you’re being creepy and a borderline stalker. To avoid getting yourself in trouble, I would suggest going about your normal routine and focusing on yourself. This might happen to entail bringing your new dates to Goodrich and being super hot. If that overlaps with your ex’s shifts, that’s just a happy accident.
I miss my friends that have graduated. How can I do a better job of keeping up with them? I only ever hear about long-distance romantic relationships, so I don’t know if it’s normal for long-distance friendships to be this difficult.
This is a common challenge, and maintaining long-distance friendships indeed takes effort. As life becomes busier, it’s important to actively set aside time to check in with people. That might be a scheduled phone call, an impromptu video call, or something as simple as a text message. Alternative modes of communication — such as playlists, emails, letters, close friends stories, and voice notes — can also help you stay in touch in a way that more closely resembles in-person friendships. It is challenging, but by prioritizing communication and making time for meaningful interactions, you can keep your connections strong despite the distance. Whenever I feel sad about being apart from a friend, I remind myself what a privilege it is to have people to miss in the first place.
Should I work on my final papers over spring break, or should I try to be happy?
If those two things are mutually exclusive, then be happy! You will have six long weeks to be miserable about school once you get back. If doing school work is anywhere between only mildly unpleasant and fun — and you aren’t spending a gazillion dollars on an extravagant vacation — then it might be a good idea to set aside some time to work. Sometimes I just need the time off, but when I have opted to work, I’ve always enjoyed coming back to school feeling ahead of my game and less stressed.
When someone says, “We should grab a meal,” does that really mean we should grab a meal?
I’ve been at the College for so long that that phrase has lost all meaning. I’ve heard it a million times, from people near and dear to my heart, former friends, ex situationships, and even enemies. The jaded junior in me is inclined to say, no, it doesn’t mean anything, but at the same time, maybe it does. While it may just be another pleasantry, it may also be an invitation to make a new, or rekindle an existing, connection. Use your best judgment — if it is your mortal nemesis, it’s likely meaningless — but be open to spending time with someone you otherwise would not.
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