Does art reflect life or does life reflect art? Fall around campus and on canvas
November 18, 2020
It started with the Rothko –– his work came up in that week’s tutorial meeting (for my ARTH 301: Methods of Art History class), so his oeuvre was on my mind, I guess. I spend so much time looking at one of my too many screens that when I’m out of Zoom-land, my mind’s working overtime. But as I walked around campus, I started noticing things that reminded me of what I had studied. I go to my COVID test or to my one in-person class or just look out my window, and they sort of just come to me. If we can’t see art in person, it’s nice to find them when we least expect it. And if I can’t be elbowing my way through the Paresky dinner rush, I may as well find myself in the comfort of these paintings. We all deserve something familiar these days.