Dear readers,
Welcome to Volume 139 of the Record.
Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of working alongside a talented group of Record editors who volunteer their time to produce quality student journalism covering the College and Town. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to cover a College and Town filled with passionate, thoughtful, and kind people who make this small corner of the world a remarkably exciting and rewarding place to be a student journalist.
It has always been the Record’s purpose to tell important stories that help each of us better understand the College and Town communities. Our mission is to serve as a reliable source of information, an effective engine of accountability, and a platform for the passion, wit, and brilliance that make the College and Town special places.
Much of that mission is executed through the day-to-day work of reporting the news. From academic policies to sports recaps, theatre productions to zoning ordinances, the Record’s essential function is to report the news reliably, thoroughly, and fairly. Additionally, in recent years, the Record has devoted a greater focus to long-term and investigative reporting, examining the phenomenon of the “Phantom 500,” uncovering deficiencies in the procedures of the College’s Title IX office and Honor and Discipline Committee, and exploring the evolution of the College’s curriculum. This semester, we will renew our focus on insightful long-term reporting, while we continue our commitment to quality across the spectrum of our work.
In order to affirm our longstanding commitment to serving the community, we are implementing several initiatives.
First, we are expanding our staff to increase our reporting capacity. This month — for the first time in recent years — we hired nine beat reporters, who are joining us in the news, arts, and features sections. Alongside 16 new editors across all print sections, as well as the visuals and social media teams, these reporters will help us produce more engaging and comprehensive coverage of events at the College and in Town.
Second, we are improving the availability of the Record by increasing our circulation by 30 percent and broadening our distribution to include a greater number of local small businesses — including hotels, to cafés, and grocery stores. As the only print publication based in northern Berkshire County, we believe that we are uniquely positioned to act as a resource for Town residents to stay informed about local politics and events, as well as news from the College.
While this paper is produced each week by a dedicated group of volunteers (who are also full-time college students), our most valuable asset is you: our readers. Student journalism at the College would not be possible without the support of students, faculty, staff, alums, and Town residents who care deeply about the news we report.
We always appreciate hearing your thoughts about College and Town events and welcome submissions of op-eds and letters to the editor, as well as feedback when we fall short in our coverage. Please feel free to contact me at any time at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued support of the Record.
Max Billick ’26