Near the basement entrance to my home in Juneau, Alaska, under a hefty mound of winter gear, there’s a smooth wooden coat rack. I built it during my freshman year of high school in a class called “Intro to the Trades,” in which I spent a semester learning basic woodworking, welding, and automotive repair skills. The course was designed specifically for underclassmen without experience. I not only acquired several metal knicknacks and learned how to change the oil in my mom’s creaky Toyota, but also was given a gentle nudge into a previously intimidating field. Though the saws and sparks scared me a little, the low-stakes, introductory style of the class made it easy to say: “Okay, I’ll give it a try.”
This semester, I’m trying something else: drawing. If you climb the innumerable stairs to the third floor of the Spencer Art Building and stagger all the way down the hallway, sweat dripping, you’ll probably get to see my classmates’ captivating charcoal works. Every week, I am newly impressed and intimidated by the talent of my peers. Despite being an introductory class, “Drawing I” is geared towards students with a previously demonstrated interest in making art. I, like many others, decided to invest — that is, put in the time and effort and exchange the educational opportunity of another course — in it because I believe the processes of creating and critiquing studio art is necessary for a meaningful education.
But unlike “Intro to the Trades,” “Drawing I” is not so friendly for beginners. According to the syllabus, the course expects an average of seven hours of work per week outside of our 3-hour studio class. Time-wise, that’s comparable to any other for-credit course, even those with separate labs. This time commitment is certainly a fair measure of the work required; I spend several evenings in the studio each week. However, for some students, the workload and high standards are reasons not to enroll. Technical drawing is especially intimidating; self-selection in enrollment results in a cohort consisting only of students willing and able to fit in as the department requests. The course is perfect for a student who approaches the subject with enthusiasm, vigor, and a certain level of established confidence. As the pressure for high GPAs and graduate school admission mounts, previously eager students may be compelled out of studio art and into a class with an “easier A.”
The intention of a liberal arts college is to provide students a well-rounded education with opportunities to explore new interests and further existing ones. The College does well by having a wide variety of open-ended requirements: divisional, writing skills, and difference, power, and equity. Additionally, students are required to attain a certain number of physical education (PE) credits through sports, clubs, or courses run by the College. These courses are graded entirely Pass/Fail and do not affect students’ GPA. This allows enrollment to be entirely based on interest — experience is neither necessary nor expected. Students can explore dance, pickleball, or weight lifting.
Recently, a friend explained to me that her ballet course could be taken for either PE or academic credit. According to a past course listing, to be equivalent to a regular class, students are required to attend a lecture as well as two dance classes per week. Unfortunately, it is unclear whether this exact style of class will be offered in the coming year. However, to practice the discipline more casually (and receive two quarters of PE credit), she only has to attend the dance classes and isn’t expected to attend the lecture, complete discussion posts, or write papers.
With this system, it is possible to study the art form without the stress and commitment of a regular semester course, she said. When I asked whether she would’ve chosen to try the class if only the academic format were available, she replied with an emphatic no. She had the opportunity to explore and it allowed her to try something new. Unfortunately, students interested in trying visual arts are not afforded the same low-stakes opportunity. I certainly believe that studio art classes offered for majors and other interested students should remain challenging but the implicit prerequisites and stipulations presented to students hoping to casually delve into the arts give the impression of a department that is uniquely unwelcoming.
In its current form, access to an education in creating art at the College is a privilege afforded only to students with great commitment — and it shouldn’t be. To cater to the interests of a wider segment of our community, the College should offer a selection of studio art classes with a structure analogous to the PE system, where classes are offered Pass/Fail and do not appear on an academic transcript. This structure encourages enrollment almost entirely based on interest, without the stress of academic registration. Rather than requiring that beginner courses in studio art be of equal commitment to a typical semester class, additional offerings should be available that consist of simple lessons in basic art theory once a week. There should be no requirements — studio time, readings, or outside studying — other than an expectation of enthusiasm and a willingness to explore. Though this restructuring would require significant work and funding, and perhaps shuffle the current allocation of resources, I believe it is necessary to help the College’s arts community flourish.
The art department should not only be more accessible to students, but it should actively encourage students to explore different art forms. Courses should be readily available with as many mediums as possible, giving all students the chance to learn in a stress-free environment. Critics concerned about enrollment numbers can easily be directed towards the annual overenrollment of visual arts classes offered during Winter Study.
I love my drawing class. Every Monday, I am given another lens through which to view our world. “Drawing I” has improved not only my performance in my other classes, but also my appreciation for the world around me. As an institution that aims to provide a holistic education, the College has a duty to offer more opportunities for all students to enjoy making art. I sincerely hope that everyone gets the opportunity to learn the skills of observation and appreciation that I have been lucky enough to practice this semester. Now, I have to head to Spencer to work on my weekly assignment. Oof. (Just kidding — I’m super excited. Time in the studio is time well spent.)
Tahlia Gerger ’27 is from Juneau, Alaska.