The Beginning- Viviana Rodriguez


PERSON #1 and PERSON #2 are lying down on the forest floor, a couple feet away from a stream. PERSON #2 is whistling Chim Chim Cheree. PERSON #1 is swaying their hands around as if they are dancing.

Don’t you think it would be nice to be a tree?
Like, be able to grow really tall and just soak up as much sun as you want?

PERSON #2 stops whistling, takes off their UCLA hat from their face, and turns to PERSON #1.

What are you talking about?

I mean just imagine the two of us, swaying our branches around living forever.

That actually doesn’t sound so bad.
But trees don’t live forever.

But they live longer than humans.
I wanna be a tree with you.


PERSON #1 and PERSON #2 are sitting at a booth in a diner. PERSON #1 is looking through the menu as PERSON #2 grabs one of PERSON #1’s hands.

I love your hands.

You love my hands?

PERSON #1 starts smiling, almost giggling. PERSON #2 drops PERSON #1’s hand and tries to scoot to the end of the booth.

Not in like a oooo I love you hands type of way
It’s just that they are so small.

Thank you? I think…

You create so much with them.
I just feel special when your hands touch mine.


PERSON #1 is attempting to cook something and PERSON #2 is sitting only a few feet away from the kitchen on a small blue couch looking at their laptop.

Oh my god, I got in!

PERSON #1 gets excited just from hearing PERSON #2 get excited, but that quickly turns into confusion.

Wait, got into where?

To law school!
Remember when I told you I was applying?

PERSON #1 is still in the kitchen trying to cut an onion, getting more confused.

You did?
Interesting. I don’t remember.
Where is law school?

University of Virginia…

PERSON #1 slowly puts the knife down and starts walking towards PERSON #2.

And you’re only telling me this now?
That’s on the other side of the country.

I have told you before, you just weren’t paying attention
That’s your problem.
You only care about yourself.

PERSON #2 looks back at their computer, trying to ignore PERSON #1. PERSON #1 stands above PERSON #2, observing them and hoping they’d look back.

Well somebody has to care about me.


PERSON #1 AND PERSON #2 are walking into the same small apartment, they’re both dressed nicely.

Person #1
You just couldn’t keep your mouth shut, huh?
I told you to wait until I’m ready.

They were gonna find out eventually, might as well do it early.

And then you said it in front of my mom.
And you know her, you knew she would be heartbroken if she found out we broke up.

PERSON #2 plops down on the couch to take off their boots but fails.

Get over it already.
And you weren’t that great at dinner either.
You were so pretentious.


PERSON #1 walks over to help take off their boots, still arguing.

Yes, pretentious!
Talking about fucking impressionism and Monet or whatever, making me feel excluded.
But the worst part is how you came to me after saying how other people take themselves too seriously
Or how you are so different.
Well, you’re not different, you’re not special!
I wish you could not be so self-centered.

PERSON #1 successfully takes off one boot but then tosses it at PERSON #2. There is a silence, broken by PERSON #1 trying to hold back tears. PERSON #2 is still sitting on the couch, they sigh while looking at PERSON #1 silently crying. PERSON #2 is about to get up when PERSON #1 starts to speak.

Says the one who doesn’t even like to talk to people because you feel so misunderstood.
You immediately judged everyone when we got there, judging their fucking clothes, rolling your eyes when someone said something you didn’t agree with.
And I don’t include you because you never want to be included. You can’t go one moment without complaining or seeing things negatively. And I’m so tired of it.
I can’t wait for you to leave.


PERSON #2 is packing clothes into a suitcase as PERSON #1 is standing at the bedroom door.

I wish I had never met you.

That’s always nice to hear.

I mean it, waking up and the first thing I see is your face makes me so angry.

PERSON #1 starts to slowly walk towards PERSON #2, trying to get PERSON #2 riled up, trying to get PERSON #2 to look at them. But PERSON #2 doesn’t.

Good thing I’m leaving since you hate me so much

PERSON #1 starts to speak softly, they try to move their hand over to PERSON #2 but hesitates.

I only hate you because you hate me.
And even then I don’t hate you a lot.

PERSON #2 finally looks at PERSON #1 but their face is completely blank. PERSON #2 still keeps packing.

and I hate it.