On Sunday morning, a Campus Safety and Security (CSS) officer who was patrolling Thompson parking lot discovered that a window on a Subaru Outback had been broken.
The officer called the car’s owner, Katrina Wheelan ’21. “When I went with the officer to take a look, I saw that the car had been ‘potato-ed,’” Wheelan said. “One of the windows was broken, and there were bits of raw potato and glass everywhere. One potato was lodged in the roof.”
Wheelan speculated that the damage, which may cost up to $500, may have occurred Saturday night. “Based on the force with which the potatoes hit the car, I would guess that the vandals used a potato gun,” she said.
So far, neither CSS nor the Williamstown Police Department have been able to determine who caused the damage or why. Anyone with information regarding the incident should contact CSS.