My love, my love, my love – JohnCarl McGrady
March 15, 2022
It’s five o’clock in the morning
Sometime in the haze of August
(Not so late that reality encroaches
With marbled notebooks and Ticonderoga pencils) And I am awake—
Ostensibly, to see the sunrise but
I am awake to see you
Or, to hear your sleepy voice as you
Drag yourself from your quilted bed
(To see the sunrise, but you can’t see it for hours)
The tall hemlock you love,
That your neighbours will cut down to plant hydrangeas, Which you will hate because they guzzle water,
Blocks the sun until seven thirty,
eight o’clock
But we pretend portends of tending dawn,
Excuses to lie in soft dewy grass
And whisper through crackling
Twelve-dollar earbud microphones
And make distant love from different states
These are the glimmering times;
We rise with the sun, to the heavens
And are anointed twice
By Helios and Aphrodite
As celestial fire meets the fire of—
I don’t know what you wear
On the grass among the strawberries
And the picture of your teeth in their
Soft flesh, your soft flesh in my teeth
Is an illusion of my sun-soaked mind
But I can feel you through the pastel sky
I know your touch, but I have not
Felt you. Not once
So we murmur in the dawn
And I pretend I’m watching the sunrise But I’m really watching you